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Have you ever wondered how your thoughts could shape your reality? That’s exactly the premise of The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes. Holmes’ collection of writings delves deep into the nature of thought, the universe, and how we, as individuals, can use the power of our minds to create a life we desire. A pioneer in the field of metaphysical philosophy, Holmes has left a lasting impact on both spiritual seekers and the self-help movement. In this article, we’ll explore The Science of Mind Collection PDF, the principles behind it, and how it continues to inspire millions today.

Name of PDF

Original Title
The Science of Mind Collection

‘The Science of Mind: A Philosophy, A Faith,
A Way of Life ‘
 No Pages340
AuthorErnest Shurtleff Holmes
Originally Published1926
 GenresSelf-help book
 Size12.49 MB
 Chek, latest editionThe Science of Mind Collection PDF 0
The Science of Mind Collection PDF 2

Who is Ernest Holmes?

Ernest Holmes was born in 1887 and grew up in rural Maine, where his curiosity about life’s big questions began early. Holmes was deeply influenced by the spiritual and philosophical movements of his time, especially Transcendentalism and New Thought, both of which emphasized the power of the individual mind and its connection to a higher intelligence.

In 1927, he founded Religious Science, a spiritual movement based on the idea that science and religion can work together to reveal the nature of existence. Holmes’ work laid the foundation for modern spiritual movements like New Thought, which focuses on the potential for individuals to co-create their realities through positive thinking and alignment with universal laws.

What is The Science of Mind?

The Science of Mind is not just a book but a philosophy that combines spirituality with psychology and metaphysics. It’s grounded in the belief that everything in the universe is connected, and that by understanding and aligning our thoughts with universal laws, we can bring about positive changes in our lives.

Holmes believed that there is a universal mind—a divine intelligence that is present in all things. By using our conscious minds to align with this universal power, we can manifest health, happiness, and prosperity.

Key Principles of The Science of Mind

Power of Thought and Mental Causation

At the core of The Science of Mind is the belief that thoughts are things—that our mental patterns shape the reality we experience. Holmes taught that by changing your thinking, you can change your life. This concept is closely related to what many know today as the law of attraction, though Holmes predates this popular term.

Unity of All Life

Holmes emphasized that all life is interconnected, and this unity includes our relationship with a divine intelligence. He argued that we are not separate from this higher power but expressions of it, and this understanding can help us harness its creative energy.

Practical Spirituality

The philosophy is deeply practical. Rather than relying on dogma or rituals, it encourages individuals to experiment with their own thoughts and beliefs to see how they affect their lives. This is a form of practical spirituality—a spiritual approach that works in everyday situations.

The Science of Mind Collection Overview

The Science of Mind Collection is a compilation of Holmes’ most influential writings. It serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding his ideas and applying them to daily life.

The Core Text: “The Science of Mind” (1938)

The primary book in this collection, titled “The Science of Mind”, was first published in 1938. It’s the culmination of Holmes’ spiritual studies and presents his core teachings. The book covers various topics, from the nature of the divine mind to the laws governing human existence.

The Creative Process

One of the central ideas in this text is the creative process. Holmes posits that our minds act like channels through which universal energy flows. Our thoughts direct this energy, shaping our experiences. Therefore, understanding and controlling our thoughts is key to creating a fulfilling life.

Other Books in the Collection

Aside from “The Science of Mind,” the collection includes other valuable works such as:

  • “Living the Science of Mind” – A practical guide for applying these teachings.
  • “This Thing Called Life” – A philosophical exploration of existence.
  • “Creative Mind and Success” – A shorter work focused on personal prosperity and mental clarity.

The Impact of The Science of Mind on Modern Spirituality

Holmes’ work has deeply influenced the New Thought movement, a collection of spiritual philosophies that emphasize positive thinking, mental healing, and the idea that divine intelligence is present within every person.

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Over the years, Holmes’ ideas have seeped into popular culture. From motivational speakers to celebrities, many have drawn inspiration from The Science of Mind to shape their personal philosophies and encourage others to embrace positivity and mental focus.

Application of The Science of Mind in Daily Life

Practicing The Science of Mind doesn’t require joining a religion or group. Its principles can be applied by anyone seeking to improve their mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Here are some practical ways to do so:

  • Affirmations: Repeating positive statements to reprogram the mind.
  • Visualization: Using the power of imagination to create desired outcomes.
  • Prayer: Not in the traditional sense, but as a way to align thoughts with universal laws.

Benefits of Practicing The Science of Mind

When practiced regularly, the principles of The Science of Mind can lead to:

  • Improved mental health: Positive thinking helps reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Personal empowerment: You gain a greater sense of control over your life.
  • Clarity of purpose: It helps align your actions with your life goals.

Criticism and Controversy

While many have found Holmes’ teachings helpful, critics argue that they promote a materialistic or overly simplistic view of spirituality. However, followers believe that these criticisms stem from a misunderstanding of the philosophy, which emphasizes the importance of both inner and outer growth.

Legacy of Ernest Holmes

Ernest Holmes’ work continues to inspire spiritual communities and individuals around the world. His emphasis on the power of thought and the unity of all life remains relevant, especially in an age where people are increasingly looking for personal empowerment and spiritual growth.


Ernest Holmes’ The Science of Mind Collection offers profound insights into the power of the human mind and its ability to shape reality. Whether you’re new to his work or have been a long-time student of metaphysical thought, this collection has something to offer everyone. It’s a philosophy that goes beyond religious boundaries and provides practical tools for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of life and their place in it.

The Science of Mind Collection PDF 4

FAQs about The Science of Mind Collection PDF

What is the main idea of The Science of Mind?

The main idea is that our thoughts have the power to shape our reality and that by aligning our minds with universal laws, we can create a more fulfilling life.

How does The Science of Mind differ from other spiritual teachings?

Unlike traditional religious teachings, The Science of Mind focuses on the practical application of spirituality and emphasizes the power of thought rather than ritual or dogma.

Is The Science of Mind a religion?

No, it is more of a philosophy that can be applied by individuals of any faith or spiritual background.

Can anyone apply the principles of The Science of Mind?

Yes, the principles are accessible to anyone, regardless of their spiritual or religious beliefs.

What are some recommended resources for beginners?

For beginners, reading “The Science of Mind” and “Living the Science of Mind” is a great starting point, along with exploring online talks and classes offered by Religious Science centers.

Is the science of mind in the public domain?

It is ​free​to research and download public domain materials

Who studies the science of mind?

A psychologist.

What is the science of the mind called?

Cognitive science

What is the science of mind summary?

A classic guide to understanding the power of our thoughts and beliefs